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I had never had an overweight pet until Chloe came into my life.  Chloe is In Clover’s office foster cat.  She came to live with us seven weeks ago, a shy girl who would not come out of her crate.  She is 12 years old and weighs 17 pounds.  She has a pretty small frame and would probably feel great at 9 pounds. She had been at the humane society for 60 days before coming to us.  Today, she has her own chair in the reception area where she can see all of the comings and goings, get lots of pets and enjoys the first ray of afternoon sun.  She has flourished here.

The first few weeks with us, we focused on making her comfortable and giving her lots of love.  We immediately started her on a grain-free dry cat food with In Clover’s digestive aid added for immune and digestive support.  We have watched her coat improve significantly and no more soft stools.  When she had settled into a routine, I started to talk to animal and nutritional experts and research her nutritional choices. That is when I learned about the “Catkins Diet”.  The dry food she was getting is a venison and salmon grain-free formula that is 293 calories per day with a carbohydrate content of 19.7%. That is a lot of carbs for Chloe’s activity level, she will never lose weight on that.  So, she has been transitioned over to a grain-free wet food that has 250 calories per day but only 1.79% as fed carbohydrate content.

Chloe has been on her Catkins diet for one week now.  She has learned to like the wet food. It was a little rocky at first, but we have discovered that she is a seafood lover.  We will keep you informed of her weight-loss progress and would love to hear your success stories.