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Safety & Quality

Product Safety

At InClover, the safety of the animals who use our quality products is at the heart of all we do.

In our history, we have never had a product recalled or a serious adverse event reported. Here are some of the other safety measures we have in place:


  • All products are made in the USA in FDA registered facilities.
  • All ingredients are purchased only from tested and approved suppliers.
  • Samples from all suppliers are sent to an independent lab for testing to assure quality and purity standards are met.
  • Every batch of raw materials we use must have a certificate of analysis.
  • Every year, InClover experiences regular internal auditing of all our quality control procedures. The current quality systems in place are cGMP, AAFCO, the FDA, HACCP and NASC Independent Audits.
  • Retention samples: A container of every Lot of InClover product is kept for 1 year past the expiration date.
  • Every InClover product is branded with a Lot Number that tells the history of every raw material inside, what date and time the product was made and where the final product ended up.  Lot Number records are kept in an InClover database and backed up to the Cloud.
  • We give the products to our own pets every day!

NASC Quality Seal

The National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) is an industry group dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health of companion animals and horses throughout the United States. As part of its ongoing effort to improve and standardize the animal supplement industry, the NASC initiated its Quality Seal Program. The seal is a way for consumers to know when they buy a product, they buy from a reputable manufacturer that has successfully completed a facility audit. Different from the NASC logo, the seal is a privilege for members to use on their products and signifies that the company has been audited for the implementation of specific standards. For more information please visit www.nasc.cc.

On every inspection, InClover has passed the rigorous quality audits of the NASC, earning the right to display the Quality Seal, and receiving praise from auditors. “InClover has demonstrated a level of professionalism that companies should aspire to maintain. It is apparent that they are providing a quality product to the customer,” says NASC Executive Officer and Senior Compliance Officer.



    Supplier Code of Conduct

    In alignment with our mission and as a part of our ongoing sustainability efforts we have developed the InClover Code of Conduct (“the Code”) to ensure that all our business partners, suppliers, and manufacturers meet our basic expectations of doing business.

    These standards are based on well-respected and recognized international standards, including:
    1. Affordable and Clean Energy
    2. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    3. Responsible Consumption and Production