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Tis the season for tummy trouble

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, period.  Every year I host a huge celebration with friends and family to kick off the holidays. The holiday season is a time of joy, community, and indulgence, not just for us, but also for our furry friends who are introduced to a lot of new people and sneak their share of festive treats. However, this season of feasts can lead to dietary indiscretions- those moments when your pet’s diet goes off track, resulting in digestive issues.

Dietary indiscretions happen when pets consume foods that are not part of their regular diet. This could be anything form sneaking a piece of turkey to scarfing down holiday desserts. I don’t know about you, but my pets have experienced both, and several indiscretions in between.

How Optagest Works to Combat Gastrointestinal Issues

Our scientifically developed prebiotic and enzyme digestive supplement, Optagest, is designed to support your pet’s digestive system during times of dietary excess and stress. Here’s how it works:

Prebiotic for Gut Health: Our prebiotics are naturally found in mother’s milk and feed the good natural bacteria in the gut. By fostering healthy gut microbiome, prebiotics help maintain balanced digestion, even when your pet’s diet has taken a festive detour.

Enzymes for Efficient Digestion: Plant-based digestive enzymes work from the nose to the tail to help break down food into absorbable nutrients. Optagest’s blend of enzymes ensures that your pet’s digestive system can handle the holiday treats more effectively.


Tips for Minimizing Stomach Upset and Distress in your Pet

Follow these simple guidelines from ASPCA and InClover: 

  • Undercooked turkey can harbor Salmonella or Campylobacter, these are bad germs and you do not want them in your pet.  The turkey skin, especially when marinated with butter, can be hard to digest.  Save the turkey for your human guests. 
  • Keep raw bread dough out of reach of your pets. The dough can ferment when in your pet’s stomach and cause gas and serious stomach upset. 
  • Don’t let your pet overindulge. Stomach upset and diarrhea are signs of too much of a good thing. 
  • Special treats don’t need to be human food. Your dog or cat will appreciate being given a treat that is meant for them. Trust me, that feeling of giving them something ‘special’ doesn’t translate to them like it would to you and me. They can be part of the occasion by being given an extra of the normal treats you give them.
  • Soothe the inevitable stomach upset due to the stress of the day, detour from the routine, Uncle Ed’s overzealous head rubs and too much rich food with a digestive supplement such as Optagest.  Your pet will thank you, and your day will be more enjoyable for all. 


Happy Holidays!

Rebecca Rose, Founder and Chief Scientist