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By: Rebecca Rose, In Clover founder and product developer

Bring Your Dog To Work Day is June 26th, 2009.  Here at our In Clover office, everyday is bring your pet to work day. Nearly 20% of companies in the U.S. do allow pets in the workplace.  We have always known the benefits of having our pets with us at work but now the American Pet Products Association (APPA) has shown how they can even increase productivity and reduce absenteeism.  So, talk to the boss and bring your furry kids to work on the 26th.  Be sure to take a look at the pictures of all the hard working pooches and send a photo of your pet putting in the overtime at facebook.com/inclover1.

Survey Says….

Some of the results of the APPA survey, which polled working Americans 18 years of age and over, are listed here:

  • 55 million Americans believe having pets in the workplace leads to a more creative environment
  • 53 million believe having pets in the workplace decreases absenteeism
  • 50 million believe having pets in the workplace helps co-workers get along better
  • 38 million believe having pets in the workplace creates a more productive work environment
  • 32 million believe having pets in the workplace decreases smoking in the workplace
  • 37 million believe having pets in the workplace helps improve the relationship between managers and their employees

And, 46 million people who bring their pets to the workplace work longer hours

Source: APPMA 2006 Survey